On this Rock?

Peter lay in the prison cell. His crucifixion was imminent. If he did not offer a sacrifice to the Emperor he was to die. Yet his mind was in his past. Remembering the hard life he had on the shores. His resentment at his brother, Andrew, becoming a disciple of John the Baptist. ‘Leaving all the man’s work to me!’ He thought rebelliously.

As a good, God fearing Jew he knew his Torah. And had hope that one day a Messiah would come, and like King David. Would murder all his enemies and put them in their rightful place; as tribute paying, respectful underdogs to the Jewish people. The whole world would bow, and he and his would be finally top of the pile.

No longer living in fear of the Romans, forced to bow low to them. How the Romans acted towards them! Mistreating them. Selling them into slavery if they could not pay taxes. Raping their women. Crucifying them. Taking their money to pay for the decadent life of the Emperor and his sycophants. Having them dare to profane the holy places. Crushing them. Oh how he wished the Messiah that was promised would come! And rid them of tyranny forever!

Instead he was stuck in a boat, fishing for a living! His wife and many children to support. And taxes to pay……taxes! Always taxes! ‘A pizz on the tax man!’ Thought Peter as he touched his mouth with two fingers in the familiar curse and spat on the ground,

‘Peter! No time for dawdling!’ His father shouted, ‘Get the nets in the boat!’ Peter stomped off more depressed than ever. His mother-in-law was ill, his father aging, and he was stuck in a dead end job….Peter!…Peter! PETER! He heard his name, rolled his eyes and sighed deep in his chest. Not again! His brother Andrew was running towards him shouting. ‘Lord! Save me from the priest!’ He muttered. He was so fed up of Andrew coming up with wise sayings from John, as if the Messiah was imminent! And giving what, and here he cringed, was his ‘God smile,’ as he announced more ‘Foolish nonsense!’ Snapped Peter in his thoughts. Ignoring Andrew and turned toward the beach.

PETER!’ Andrew ran up out of breath, his face beaming. ‘What!’ Said Peter crossly. ‘Decided to come back and help fish?’ He added sarcastically. The beam unsettled him somewhat……

‘We. Found. Him!’ said Andrew talking in short gasps, the breathing totally broken by his run. ‘Found who? Elijah? Jeremiah? Ezekiel? Be more helpful if you found Jonah!’ Snapped Peter.

The next words felt like a punch in his gut, and they stopped him in his tracks. ‘The Messiah! The one Torah wrote about! We FOUND Him!’ Look! He is coming to meet you!’

Unnoticed walking behind him was a man. Not like King David at all! At least, not King looking in fact. He looked so ordinary, Peter would have passed him like the crowds in the market. Unnoticed.

He had longish very dark hair. Very curly. A hawk of a nose (here Peter smiled in his reminiscence) a medium mouth with lips that slightly pouted and brown eyes with long lashes. Thick set and stocky he was even shorter than Peter. But it was his eyes that haunted Peter right from the start.

They seemed to look inside you. To see everything you were desperately trying to hide. Which, in Peter at least, was arrogance, fear, treachery and huge insecurity. But. And here Peter puckered his brow, the eyes did not condemn! Instead, he found himself held, in something. He felt around and finally found the word. It was unfamiliar and, quite frankly, terrifying. It was love. He was held, in those deep dark places, in love. Deep, high, wide, powerful love.

But that kind of love was too much. And Peter could not, would not, look into Jesus eyes after that first glance. Jesus however had other plans. ‘You are Simon. You will be called Petrus. Peter. On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

‘Me? How can I be a rock?’ Peter thought to himself and laughed somewhat nervously. ‘Come Peter. Follow Me.’ The words were spoken quietly. Yet Peter felt as if the universe shook. Here was the Messiah! Asking him to follow! How much more satisfying than just the Baptist! He thought with a self satisfied grin. And chucked the nets to the ground.

Over the next few years it became obvious that Peter, with James and John, were the inner circle. Which fed Peter’s ego. Jesus always gave him important assignments and he felt as if he was Jesus personal bodyguard.

‘Move away from the Master!’ ‘Move aside now! No children!’ He would say irritably. He could never understand why Jesus liked children. Nasty, smelly things! Always saying rubbish! He watched astonished as Jesus healed and fed thousands. How even the demons obeyed him. He saw with anxiety how Jesus seemed to upset the priests, especially the Pharisees and Sadducee’s. But the more he saw the more he was convinced that this here Jesus was who he claimed to be. The rescuer and Messiah of the Jews.

Yet. Often Jesus said and did things Peter just did not understand. Things never quite made sense. But other things happened that let these doubts and puzzlements slide by.

He went himself, on the orders of Jesus and healed sick, cast out demons and preached the ‘good news.’ And his ego grew. He was inner circle! He had the power of God at his command! And had the ear of Jesus Himself!

It was true at times the other disciples teased him and irritated him. Often James and John would suggest he get out the boat as he was the rock it was sinking it……

Nathaniel would tease and say he was sinking the conversation. Judas would say which stone was it again? Picking up small pebbles are hiding them in Peter’s pockets and sandals in the morning. Peter would sniff at them. Jesus would laugh. Which made him rather cross.

One day, about three years in, there was a squabble and many disciples stopped following Jesus. Jesus said to the disciples left, ‘Who do you say I am?’ Peter opened his mouth to drone the phrase, ‘Messiah,’ and what came out surprised and puzzled him ever after. ‘You are Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.’ Jesus answered and it sounded like thunder.

‘Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, Simon son of Jonah. But the very Father God Himself. Blessed are you! On this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.’

Peter felt puffed! No doubt about it. He had uttered the words of God Himself! The seal of approval made him glow with pride. Even Judas whispering, ‘Ahhhhh the stone speaketh!’ And John nudging him with ‘He is the Commander Stone!’ Did not put a dent in his pride.

The arrogance in his head filled him even more. Imagining people coming to the Master and the Master saying, ‘Talk to Peter. He will tell you….’ He came out of his bubble on hearing the words ‘to die……..and I must go up to Jerusalem to die…be put to death….’

Peter felt as if cold water struck him. ‘What nonsense was this?’ His shocked mind could not even compute the thought properly. Whatever it was, Jesus was speaking rubbish. Die? The Messiah? Not on Peter’s watch! Pompously he called Jesus slightly to the side. He must be hungry! They had not yet eaten! Determined to do his part Peter spoke quite loudly. ‘Master! Die? Most certainly not! You must stay here until…….’ He got no further. For the words spoken made him shrivel and shrink. ‘Get behind Me Satan!’ It was a command. Said quietly, but to Peter, it was as if the whole world was shaking from those words.

The disciples were silent. He could not look at the disciples, he felt so small. His ego was flat. Like a pumped up tire that has run over a nail. Being called Satan! Not even, ‘Don’t listen to Satan.’ But Satan himself! What on earth did Jesus mean? Was he possessed? How could he be Satan?!

Over the next days Peter was subdued and quiet. He could not figure out what Jesus had meant, yet he was terrified to ask. Over the weeks being still included as one of the three, the feeling of inferiority faded somewhat. And his confidence returned.

Yet inside him, the cracks of certain hidden behaviours cracked still more.

Jesus called the three and bade the rest wait whilst he took them to a high mountain. He was transfigured before them, in light so bright it left them reeling. Whilst He was there Elijah and Moses came down and talked to him about his exodus. Peter was stunned. Seeing Jesus shine undid him. Who was this man? And seeing the prophets shocked him. His mind could not comprehend what he was seeing. ‘Master, it’s good this happen! Let us build shelters one for each of you!’ He could have bitten his tongue out in embarrassment as soon as he said it. But he did not know wht he was saying. He was terrified.

Even as he finished speaking, a cloud covered Jesus and a voice said, ‘This is My Son. Listen to Him.’ Peter felt as if he had fallen in deep dark water. He could not move. He felt like stone. A gentle touch brought him back to consciousness. He saw Jesus was his normal self again, and walked back down the mountain with him, James and John.

What did it all mean? He was sure Jesus was the Messiah now! He would come and free them from the Romans! And Peter would be his first man! ‘Top of the pile all the way!’ Finally! The Romans put down and he raised up. ‘With many a score to settle!’ He thought his heavy dark brows knitting together, remembering many Roman remarks and boots.

Jesus said he planned to go to the Passover, and Peter was sure the time was near. He felt elation when Jesus rode on the donkey into Jerusalem (though he did not understand why it was not a stallion. But then, Jesus was always weird….the cracks in Peter jagged longer and deeper) and the crowds cried out ‘Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord.’

Peter felt proud to walk by Jesus side. Keeping the crowd aside from his master, and generally being top body guard. With the occasional blip. The blind men crying out irritated him. He was in a hurry to get Jesus to begin the take over! Yet Jesus insisted on stopping and healing them. He curbed his irritation and went on ahead to check the meal was prepared as Jesus has asked.

The room was quiet and cool. The table rough but loaded with wine and bread. The disciples, hungry after the long walk did the minimum law observance, quickly pouring water over hands and sitting down to eat. (One learned with Jesus eating was often done on the hoof as he did not seem to concerned with meal times, much to Peter’s consternation)

But Jesus did not sit down. Instead he took off his outer garments and got a bowl of water, and, kneeling down began to wash Matthew’s feet. Peter, a piece of bread half way into his mouth stopped in amazement! What on earth was Jesus doing?! How dare Matthew let him! He was the Messiah! KING! Messiahs did not act like that! Soon to rule! How dare he wash f.e.e.t!

To his shock he saw disciple after disciple let Jesus wash his feet! Peter bristled up inside. He did not dare speak. He had been slow to say things aloud after the Satan incident. But he most certainly thought things! His pomp nearly lifted him out of his chair as Jesus dared to stop in front of him. ‘Me?’ He spluttered, ‘ME? Never Lord, shall you wash my feet!’ He looked pompously at the other disciples in disgust. ‘If I do not wash your feet Peter, you will no longer be my disciple.’ Again the words were spoken quietly. And again Peter felt metaphoric sand beneath his feet slipping away. And felt as if he had fallen on his face. Which was very red. Could he ever be trusted to say the right thing? Do the right thing? A lump, painfully formed in his throat and tears filled his eyes.

Not again! Why did he always seem to put his foot in it! ‘Master! He answered in a panic, don’t just wash my feet! Wash all of me too!’ Jesus looked at him kindly, and with something else. Peter could see a gleam of humour in his dark eyes. ‘You are already clean, so you only need to have your feet washed!’ And suddenly he grinned at Peter. His whole face lighting up with affection. Peter felt his flattened ego disappear and the same grin, of plain friendship crossed his face in response. Love covered him like a glove. And, for 5 minutes at least, Peter allowed himself to bask in it. It did not last long.

Jesus began to talk about being betrayed. And Peter’s deep distrust of himself forced him to voice his fears. ‘Is it me Lord?’ Jesus did not answer. The jags inside Peter shook and widened. He felt the horror in the pit of his stomach. Surely Jesus was not suggesting he would betray the Master? So Peter took a deep breath and asked John, who he knew would get an answer. ‘Ask him! Who is he talking about!’

Still Jesus answer was vague. Something about a sop, which Judas took, then went (Peter assumed) to give money to the poor. Peter got very anxious. Jesus was saying such strange things! None of them made sense. There was no plan to storm Pilates palace, or the Roman guard. Just talk about ‘Father’ and ‘Father and I and you…..’

Peter did not understand and it made him more afraid, nervous and anxious. Finally Jesus left with them all to go for a walk in his favourite garden of Gethsemane. He made Peter bring two swords! Great! The attack was starting! Yet. Once in the garden things got strange. No advancement or plans. No strategy. Nothing. And Jesus behaviour, at least to Peter, was even more bizarre than usual. Taking the three ahead, He asked them to stay awake whilst he prayed! What on earth did they need to stay awake for? It was not as if they were praying! Peter yawned.

‘Can’t you keep awake for just one hour?’ He felt Jesus shake him. So he sat up and rubbed his eyes. But he had been up so early to sort out the Passover meal. He felt his eyes close and he drifted off. Only to have Jesus do it a second time, with more urgency. Peter tried really hard this time. He pinched himself, tried to breathe in deep gulps of cool air, but….but…..his thoughts would not stay in order and he felt himself slide…….

‘Peter, Peter!’ This time Jesus looked awful his face was running with sweat, his eyes wide with deep upset and trouble. ‘Whaaat?’ Peter half jumped up expecting Romans from the look on Jesus face. But no! The same command was given. Peter managed for a while. He could hear Jesus moaning softly and crying. But then, Jesus often cried! And often moaned alone! So Peter drifted again.

He heard Jesus voice a fourth time, urgent and insistent. ‘Come, we must go now! They are coming.’

He saw Judas with the high priest. This was it! He must start something! He must make Jesus start the advance and act! He jumped up and drew the sword Jesus had asked him to bring. Leaping forward he sliced off the servant Malcus ear. (He would let Jesus be the first one to hit a soldier he thought…….) ‘NO!’ The rebuke felt like a hard slap around his face. ‘Peter! Put your sword in its place! Those who use the sword die by it!’ Peter never forgot the way those words were said, nor the sting they came with. And Jesus immediately healed Malcus ear.

Sitting in his cell Peter stopped in his memories and sat shocked as the revelation hit him, finally like a tonne of bricks……He knew now why Jesus had asked him to bring his sword. He was so thick skinned! So hard hearted and of one vision. So determined to use violence as the solution. Jesus had had to show him via a practical parable that violence was not the way! The cross and submission to it was the way. Peter felt heavy tears falling down his face. Tears of relief, repentance and freedom. ‘Lord I am so sorry! How wrong I have been! Now I see! It’s laying down my life isn’t it? It’s into your hands I commit myself! Not into my own hands!’ Finally. In his heart Peter felt a peace that has been never constant flood him……and again his memory went back to the past.

Tired, anxious and now shocked at the rebuke Peter stood stunned as he saw the priests tying up Jesus hands and heard him say ‘Let these go!’ He lost the plot and he ran. Into the darkness. The cracks in him split open.

Where could he go? The only place his confused and frighted brain could think of was the Passover dinner. So he went there. And found all the disciples there. John was saying he was going to see the high priest. To get to Jesus. ‘Let me come!’ Peter’s eyes were wild. And John nodded wordlessly and went out into the night.

John knew the priests family well. And was given immediate and friendly access and disappeared into the garden. Peter was stopped at the gate, ‘You! Are not you one of his disciples?’ ‘Me? No. Not me!’ Peter said and walked quickly through the held open gate. Another servant walking past him said ‘Hey! Are you not one of Jesus followers? Wasn’t it you who cut off poor Malcus ear?’ Peter saw the Roman soldiers warming themselves by the brazier. And answered without a second thought. ‘Nope!’ He laughed ‘Never! Not me!’ And walked over to warm himself. For a while he stood in his own thoughts. He was so confused. He did not know what to think.

How could Jesus be the Messiah? How could the prophecy to bring his people out of bondage happen without a sword?

‘You! I am sure you were one of the ones who followed that man.’ ‘No! I never knew him! He was a daft fellow!’ And Peter added oaths to prove he was not. At that moment the cock crowed three times. Peter’s brain froze in horror. He remembered the words of Jesus a few days before. On swearing his eternal allegiance. On vehemently saying ‘Even though they desert you, I will not!’, Jesus had looked at him and said, ‘No. you will soon deny three times to even knew me.’ Peter asserted how this was not true! ‘Always and forever.’ he said. Yet Jesus carried on as if he had not even spoken. ‘Satan has desired to sift you like wheat. I have prayed you will prevail. Once this is over, go. Comfort your brothers.’

Peter pushed past the servants and went out of the garden. Big sobs finally escaping from him. He went out into the trees and fell against one. Weeping. How could he? What had he done? Tears tricked through his fingers. His brain whirled. Somehow he knew Jesus must be truthful. But nothing made sense. It had never made sense. And he had just fulfilled what Jesus said. All his words, all his promises were shown for what they were. He was a traitor. He had not only never understood, all his fears came to the surface. His shallowness, insecurities, arrogance and fear were shown to him in the starkest of light. He was no more than a liar. A fake.

Yet the words ‘Once it’s over,’ strengthened him. A fake he maybe. But Jesus had trusted him, Jesus had believed in him. And he found deep inside himself more than the fake. He found a glimmer of the real. The others! They needed comfort, help. They needed him. He got up and began to stagger to the Passover house.

Even after seeing Jesus raised from the dead. Eating with him by the charcoal. Being told by Jesus that he, Peter was to be crucified! After the conversation about John, being told ‘What of him, you follow me.’ None of it made sense. Only after the road to Emmaus did the bits of the puzzle slowly begin to fall into place. Jesus kingdom was not like this world’s kingdoms, but it was wholly other. Based on love’s power, not wealths political manipulative power and control. Not on pomp and ceremony but on humility and compassion. Not based on the strongest, but the weakest. On the very things the world thinks are folly. Jesus kingdom was in fact, unfathomable to the ways of the world. They did not and could not ever understand it.

Often he asked for the strength to face his crucifixion. But he felt nothing. And he couldn’t even think about it without fear and trembling.

It took years for Peter to make the links. To work on his own fake nature. Which caused some open embarrassment for him. Especially when Paul challenged his cowardice and called him out. His attitude to the gentiles needed firm rebuke it was so unloving and judgmental. And he realised that being ‘part of the chosen,’ had given him an arrogance and attitude that most certainly needed repenting of. Especially when he saw that all were chosen! He realised that by saying he was chosen actually caused the scapegoating Jesus died to save him from.

Peter worked for years, preaching, encouraging, learning. Praying. Following. Opening up his heart to the Light of Jesus. He mourned the death of those who followed Jesus and the horror which followed the earthly church. Helping the church to form and grow. And making disciples of women and men who sort to follow the way.

Finally as an old man he was imprisoned. And told he would only be allowed out if he sacrificed to the Emperor. The guard was coming. To open his cell his door. The choice was here. He knew the guard was going to ask him to give his yes or his no. He came out of his reverie. It was nearly time. He must sacrifice or die. Save his life or………he heard the words run through his mind as if Jesus had just said them, ‘Get behind me Satan!’ And this time it hit him. That is what Jesus meant! ‘Get behind me Satan!’ By trying to persuade Jesus not to go to Jerusalem, Peter was coming between Jesus and his cross! Between Jesus and his death!

Satans work was to come between a person and their cross! Trying to stop Jesus suffering was human reasoning! Trying to work it out himself, and not Gods way! Not trust but control. The rock was not about him! It never had been! It was about Jesus! The words Peter had uttered! ‘You are the Christ, Son of God.’ They were the rock on which the church was founded. It was all, all, all about Jesus.

Peter felt tears trickle down his withered cheeks, and he fell on his knees. ‘Oh Master!’ He wept. ‘Thankyou.’ His fear was gone, and he felt a peace he did not understand. By making peace with his suffering. And not fighting it, choosing instead to lay down his own life, he found and followed the path of his Master.


While men play games,

And fight their wars,

Christ humbly knocks upon the door,

Whilst they shout, Bragg and swear,

He softly calls, ‘child are you there?’

While men plot evil under the sun,

The rose it blooms,

The mouse it crawls,

And nature carry’s on.

Everything in harmony,

But humankind,

Plots and devious schemes,

It takes the poor man and their dreams,

It robs the widow,

And makes the child fatherless,

And justifies its lies and does not careless.

Breaking the world and destroying all.

Wilfully will not see,

If we want peace then we must be peacemakers.

Putting down the weapons that are not peace,

Stopping dropping bombs,

Make wars to cease.

Stop all threats and bullying.

But learning to be humble and small.

For that is the way of peace.

Not lording it over others,

But learning instead to share and include.

Stopping rudeness and threats and pomp,

And choosing gentleness, kindness and self sacrificing love.

And when we stop the politics of war and lying diplomacy,

Which mean nothing but playground bragging,

We will hear the call,

‘Child, come and play with Me,

Learn of Me,

And you will heal your soul.‘

And by healing ourselves the world will heal.

But it requires a complete turn around of direction.

Becoming small. Learning to love.

Learning to give up. To refuse to take insults.

To put one’s face like flint and offer love regardless,

For this is the way of the cross.

Hardening and softening

When we talk about the Word of God being a light to our heart, it is actually quite Devestating. For the light of the sun, as Origen states, both melts wax, and dries out Earth. Both are the result of the sun. Yet are opposite effects. *(Origen first principles 3.1.11 translation John Behr)

The same verse Origen is explaining ‘He (God) lets rain come of the good and the bad.’ Matt 5v45 The result of that is flowers and fruits in some, and thistles and thorns in another. In other words what is in the heart is shown for what it is. Life or death.

So what is happening here? Is God at fault? As Paul would emphatically state, ‘absolutely Not!’ What is happening is God is allowing to be revealed by his goodness in sending rains what is in the heart of each person.

So it is not that God is responsible for what comes out, it is ourselves. Are we practising love, mercy, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, self control etc? Or are we practising selfishness, brutishness, cruelty, spite, lies, etc? There is enough of a shadow of Christianity in the West for us to know the difference.

And if we find we are indeed finding thistles and thorns on our human humus we can cry out to the God who is good to heal our barrenness and plant us with His own sperma of goodness and the fruits of the spirit. And we can know as quick as we are to repent, the forgiveness is already there waiting FOR us.

God knows some of us are dis-abled to these good things. He understands the teachers we had who gave us thistles and thorns. And one of His characteristics is patience and long suffering!

Also we can never disappoint God, because He already knows us as we are…..in the pig manure. His answer to such self revelation is this, ‘Good flowers can grow in manure! Let Me sow!’

So how do we get God to sow His good things?

Firstly let me admit, you are speaking to someone who has trillions of thistles and thorns. And lots of pig shit…..someone who is impatient, angry, spiteful and as many negative sins you would care to add yourself, I probably have! My barrenness in the good things of God is painful to me to say the least. A gift of phrase I may have, but its fruit is still missing!

So I can only tell you what I do and try. Firstly I try to confess. To God. (I also try to bargain…..and argue…..so much so, I can categorically say I have seen Gods eye brow arch when I exclaimed with some petulance ‘I am not like that!’ When He was pointing out a rather large thorn……Don’t ask me how I saw, I can’t explain, I just did!)

I grieve over my barrenness and hardness. I also try to give myself mercy, as I was never brought up with it. I was, in actually fact, brought up with the opposite. Mercy was the swear word in our house. It was not shown, no matter how much one may beg. Weakness was also not allowed. Bullying, force, control and manipulation were the game and were the day.

I will give you an example. This will show you how much mercy was in my home. My father purchased a very large, very deadly sharp butchers knife. We were told never (emphatically like Paul) to touch it. Or we would be beaten (my father’s beatings were legendary) so we obeyed (as if we even wanted to touch the damn thing! I was only 9-10 years old my sister younger!) one day it was my turn to dry up. All the dishes were wet. (Obviously or I would not be asked to dry them….) The deadly knife lay wet with the other knives to be dried. My father said to me, ‘If that goes rusty you’ll get a good hiding.’

What could I do? Touch it I got a hiding, don’t touch it I got a hiding. So I picked it up and tried to dry it. Slicing nearly off, the top of two of my fingers in the process. Blood everywhere. I was so scared of my dad I lied about it, and said I had cut my self on a dinner knife. Hospital followed and my two fingers were patched up (I am still scarred on them) I got home, and my father’s response was, ‘That will serve you right for lying.’

So. No mercy in our house. Little Nicola and her family have rather barren soil (in some cases I actually think it’s sterile…..) for mercy. And quite a few other good things don’t grow either. Thistles and thorns on the other hand I have in abundance. I could ask God if there was the possibility of thistle soup or thorn roast, but I think I would get the same eyebrow……

Before you hate my father (I have already done that for you) please be aware he was very damaged too. In dad’s case his poor crop of earth first had his tree of trust ripped right up when he was deserted by his mother and adopted. Then lost the adopted dad and foster (possibly actually biological) sister he loved through his father being death and his ‘foster’ sister being returned to her ‘family’ (I now think back into care) Then abused. Then the seeds of ‘duty’ were sown so forcefully he never quite got over it. His way of dealing with his thorns was rather than use the rain of God to use alcohol and drugs. So he was driven by many things he dearly wanted to change but had no idea how to do it.

So please be gentle with him. He is with God now and the thistles and thorns that ripped him apart are healed. (Mine are still clearly in the process) I can promise you one thing, I know that when God showed dad the damage he did he would have wept over it and repented.

But you see mercy did not come easily to us. So crying out to God for this soil of stones and stinging nettles is what I need to do (and do!) trying to spend time in the scriptures and church fathers. Then learning is another. Listening to teachers much wiser than me is another. And mostly hoping that Gods goodness to me does not run out is also one!

Trying to do good, even if it’s literally half way though or just after I did bad! So making the reaction to consciously do right, even though it sucks, (and my GOD it sucks)

Remember the parable of the two sons, one who said no and did it and one who said yes, then didn’t? Well, I’m the one who said an emphatic ‘NO, SOD OFF!’ then went and did it, kicking and screaming, complaining and moaning and stamping my feet.

Although not all the time…….a life of no mercy teaches one to be stubborn just to survive, and tenacity is a trait I most definitely have.

(* free dictionary meaning tenacity; Extremely persistent in adhering to or doing something; stubborn or relentless) sums me up well.

Extremely good at sowing more thorns and thistles….then condemning my self with the flint! Can one stone one’s self? Yes! I have done it.

Once, before I went partially blind an ex partner (note the ex) decided to teach me how to ride a motor bike, told me how to accelerate but not how to stop. And taught me in a long tunnel with a wall at the end. So I am going down the tunnel very well, enjoying, until I realise I cannot stop the damn bike. Terrified I would damage it, I jump OFF the sodding bike and manage to turn it and stop it whilst still holding it.

This shows you how stubborn and forceful NJL is capable of being. (It’s actually worse, I am forbidden to use electric hedge trimmers and go on high ladders due to being partially blind. My children have no idea I ignore ore the rules and do it away way.)

So as you see, nettles, thistles, thorns, flint etc are well and truly in my field of life…..

However I do think, it keeps God busy………

This post was meant to be serious and it turned into a kind of glorified confession page on my faults as if flint was a good thing! But flint is very sharp once honed……..and nettles make very good nutritious soup……

Seriously Nicola! STOP. sorry.

We are actually supposed to be getting rid of those (apparently) nasty things. But it seems to me, God is also very good at doing it with a sense of humour……..

Makes you wonder if purgatory may well be making us laugh doesn’t it?! God is not a punisher, He is a Saviour. And He can be trusted to know exactly what we need to help us let to of the ice burn of hell and embrace the loving fire that is God.

Hell, incase you wanted to know (and even if you don’t) is in the heart of the human being. It’s the very thing that causes us to do things not of loves kind. And God is always working to bring our soil up to rich humus that can take the seeds of heaven, sown right now, so that when we die we are ready for the eternal life, (which is Love eternally and only love) and so that those with thistles in their fields might look at the flowers and smell the scent of the wonder of God in others fields and be jealous enough to seek how to grow them. It is the kindness of God that leads us to repentance, remember that. Romans 2v4.

How little we know the glorious wonder and mercy of God. And how Good He actually is.

Gods regret our regret

Reading Chris Greens post on God and Athanasius I am pondering what it means when we say God regrets. As in Genesis 6v6 ‘And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.’

If Gods regret is wholly other than our regret, what does it mean when it says he regrets? Regret means distress and sorrow. But God is a doing God. He does not leave us alone, he is INVOLVED. So His regret is one of action. He weeps with those who weep. He works to soften the hard heart and open the eyes of the blind. But unlike many of us, God is Patient and long suffering, he takes decades, not days. His regret means he works to restore and for restitution. Our regret tends to make us despondent and depressed. We have a re-action. He has a pro-action. For us the regret is something that often comes to drives us AWAY from the pain of change (we busy our selves in work or other or refuse to talk/think about it etc.) For God the regret drives Him into and through the regret to redeem it.

If we look at God instead of a He/Him and instead see God as Love itself, we see that it is when we allow love to change us that our regret them becomes a catalyst for change for good. The way God works.

That is how we know that rather than sitting in self reproach and depression we are instead moving forward. Because we can question; are they working their way OUT of us; in the way we approach our regret. Are we choosing to deal with our regret by repentance (which merely means a change of heart and mind) or are we blocking our pain and not looking at what we regret? Like Adam and Eve still hiding in the bushes!

We can categorically say that Gods regret, or when God feels pain, it pushes Him into compassion to save.

God knows condemnation is what you get when regret festers. So He refuses to do it. Instead He works to remove and undo the regret and bring back into relationship the regretter (new word meaning one who regrets!) For regret can drive us away from relationship, (they will never trust me after this!) or drive us to over do action to make up for it.

God does not want driving away, nor does he want over doing, as both can drive into darkness. One breaks relationship and drives into darkness, the other over compensates even to the point of allowing abuse. We see this with Germany today, allowing Israel to commit genocide because of its regret of the past holocaust. (Much of the Western world is held hostage by this bondage.)

So when we have regret, we need to seek Loves response to it. Which is to redeem, reconcile and restitution.

Reconcile does not mean we become best buddy’s with our abuser. It means we learn to let go of the revenge so we do not become like them. And we build again the trust that was shattered. This can take decades. But it is necessary. And one of the ways the trust can be rebuilt is honest restitution and repentance.

The abuser seeking to put right what was wrong, and to change their heart and thinking so it can never happen again.

This does not mean the abused holds the high ground. Or they become yet another abuser themselves. It means we choose to see the broken humanity in ourselves and each other, rather than pointing the finger.

So our regret becomes like a broken bone, once mended, twice as strong in its desire to never again commit the act that has hurt.

Gods regret was to redeem the cosmos, by sending His Son to take our pain. To restore to us the forgiveness we did not think possible without scapegoat and appeasement.

For Gods pain in Genesis was not against man, but against the evil he was now committing. Think about it. When your child is disobedient you do not hate them! You hate the disobedience! Why? Because it’s hurting them! So you seek to bring your child to see what they have done and why it is hurting them! (Child, if you hit your brother/ snatch her toy/speak this way, this is how he feels/what could happen……etc etc) You seek what God seeks, repentance, restoration of relationship and restitution of the hurt, if needed.

So then, when it talks about God regretted making man, it was not that he regretted making man. But the narrator is showing us that God regretted how man was now acting; totally for themselves, no love at all. Destroying themselves and the cosmos. Which meant they were losing the Image of God in who they were made! (Sound familiar? Gods message is pertinent for every generation, as He always works in the now!)

But as Athanasius states, ‘God is good, and supremely noble in nature!’ He would not leave us that way! So His regret brought us His blood and Life, so that we would turn around to Him. He literally showed us how and who he was by his actions of dying on a cross, refusing violence; forgiving it; and telling us to do the same.

He was in essence showing us, ‘Look! This IS ME! This is what I am like, I made you this way, but you have forgotten! Now you can see Me! So stop your scapegoating! It’s killing you. Stop your sacrifices – they do not change you! Stop your tick boxing – it does nothing! And come follow Me, be like Me! And in doing that you will become One with Me, and not fear death. For it is fear of death which drives all your selfish actions! Take your regrets and allow them to transform you into My likeness once more! Let Me be revlealed IN you so others can see Who I AM!


* Athanasius ‘On the Incarnation’ translation by John Behr At. Vladimir’s Seminary press is best, but if not https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/2802.htm


I do not ever do this. But I personally know this lady. She is amazing. And we need her kind in government. Please support her.


The 10 plagues of Egypt, God or what?

When we think of God hardening the heart I think we mistake what is going on. It is not that God is being mean to Pharaoh. But that he is allowing Pharaoh to see that those things HE thinks are might, namely military power , power and his own will as supreme ruler, are actually nothing when compared with the goodness and justice of God.

At every turn Pharoah thinks he can beat and crush God. And at every turn God shows him, no. you cannnot. It is not that God is punishing pharoah or his people. But he is showing him, ‘Stop. Justice and mercy must be shown to all. Not just to whom you would show them.’

Pharoah is like the Western powers now. They could show mercy to the oppressed. They refuse to do so. Over and over again, in the face of millions protesting otherwise, they refuse to budge. Their power and might they think, their weapons and money are mightier than the small person crying out.

Yet, how many times do we see; it’s the small man, finally who gets what he desires, and the powerful end up collapsing!

Over and over Pharoah is asked, ‘Let my people go.’ But Pharoah, who wants slaves, refuses. And each time loses the battle. Even after the death of his own, he STILL sends his army after the vulnerable. And his army is washed away by the Red Sea.

Instead of asking ‘Why, or even if God did this,’ is not the point. The point is what we can learn about human power. That it is arrogant. That it is dishonest. That it thinks IT is god. And it has the same power, and that it excerpts that power over the vulnerable. (And often uses the word of God to do it.) It is, in actual fact the anti christ. Totally and utterly AGAINST God and His way of being.

God, we are told gives rain to the good and the bad. This means the field sown well profits, and the field that is neglected profits. BOTH profit, from Gods goodness. But one brings forth crops and the other weeds. Both will need to be dealt with!

Let us not try then to argue ‘Did God do this?’ But rather, ‘Why are we told the story in this way?’

What if we begin to see these plagues, not as things sent by God, but things that are common to man! The contemporary Jewish thinkers do this. Plagues of hatred, of starvation, of distrust, of dishonesty, of modern slavery, of climate change. They look at it more as what plague today has risen up that needs Gods (our!) influence to stop it?

What do we need to be doing or speaking out against? Who is being oppressed? Who is being starved? What is being destroyed?

If we are Gods hands and feet (Hint; yes we are!) then what do we need to do to eradicate plagues that are currently scourging us, the innocent, and the human race, including the natural world today?

It is both convenient and interesting that many people of no faith will claim this plague narrative makes God the evil one, while being blind to the meaning of the story! That in every generation new plagues come up that need us to speak out! And act on. So rather than rallying against God – we look a little deeper and see what God is actually trying to show us!

That human power and might crush the vulnerable and that God wants to save them! That human power tries to shut people up (Julian Assange and Edward Snowdon to name two modern ones) and that God refuses to allow it, that human power tries to force and that Gods power overcomes human power and stops them. That the world governments take no notice of suffering, and God takes it very seriously indeed!

So pharaohs heart is hard, not because God hardens him, but because he himself thinks he can control it all himself. He does not need God, unlike the crushed Hebrews, who cry out to God.

That is what we see in history, human power realise over and over again, that it will be overthrown. And exposed for what it is. Self absorbed.

Seeds of evil are sown yes, seeds of good are sown yes, and the goodness of God rains. (We have freewill here) yet sooner or later weeds will be seen to be weeds, pulled up and burned. And flowers flourish. We have government bodies who are weeds, And we are seeing them for what they are; thistles and thorns!

So let us take heart. Scripture tells us that Pharaoh, mightiest leader of the world at the time was overthrown by goodness. By people (Moses and Aaron) refusing to give up and keep on speaking up for the vulnerable. So let us take heart and do the same. Knowing that in due time we will harvest.

Here……State of decay

How many philosophers, poets, and exiles,

How many scapegoats, preachers, rescuers,

How many artists, saboteurs, resistance fighters,

Look back.

We have not learned. As if WW2 was not enough.

As if holocaust, atoms bombs, 50 million Russians was not enough.

As if Roma, Armenian, Jews, Gays, Communists and more were not enough.

As if Palestinian, Black, disabled and poor,

Immigrant, refugee were not enough.

How many more?

Maybe we did not learn as we are still part of the problem.

White colonial power and might still managed to pull off the day.

The prophets speak. They look in silence. Pain so deep it cannot talk.

Not again. NOT AGAIN! No! Not again!

They cry. But the wind carries their voices away.

For the powerful and the pulpit do not listen.

They are, as they have always been,

Complicit together.

Turning away with pious eyes to justify the suffering of those they deem unholy.


To refuse them a voice at all costs.

We see no evil

We hear no evil

We speak no evil.

Is still going on today.

The screams of the sufferers are heard, the cameras are switched off.

The sound is on mute.

The innocent are put on trial and found guilty.

Their footprints, like those before, fade from the dust of humanity.

God! I cry, it’s too much.

I cannot hear you, see you, feel you. Where are you?

‘Here child. Deep and far away. Yet nearer to you that the fear you feel.

Do not listen to them.

Look at Me.

I told you this would be.

I told you there is a cost to follow.

But child. This world is passing.

The suffering is not long.

Hold on.

Hold on.

Hold on.

My cross etches the beams of history from beginning to end.

Learn from Me not them.

Listen to Me not them.

My blood drips, like theirs, like yours,

And it is a testimony of those who turn away.

Moses is watching.

The righteous few are watching.

Prophetically speaking and suffering,


Love is the final judge.

Do not hate them, pity them.

They are blind,

They cannot see.

They are deaf.

They do not hear.

Their minds and mouths talk propaganda and nothingness.

But I had final say,

Their way is Finished.

Follow My way.

Yes it’s hard and it hurts,

But the hurt will not last.

Hold on my child. Hold on.

I have you in My hands.

I Am your rock.

Even in death.

And I will bring you through death into Life.

My Life, which death cannot touch.

This moulding cosmos of fear is passing.

Come child, dance with Me.

Come, dance in My fire, which purges pain and it’s consequences,

Which gives you deliverance from the death pangs,

And makes you One, with Me.

No. Ai

Just to say, no ai. No permission to use to copy or to paste or quote anything I have written on my blog, exquisitelyeco,

Without my name put too it, or my permission to use it.

The answer to Ai being used is NO. All my posts are dated and emailed to me.

The answer is NO.

Death, death and death.

I have been pondering the verse, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven,’ And thinking what it may mean. I have come so far to the conclusion that the ‘fall,’ happened the moment God created. For that is what happens when God creates. The created needs to realise who it is and Who its creator is and re-turn, to learn what real life is, and not what it currently has; animation.

The story of the cosmos, is that we begin lost, but are found.

Luke 15v24 ‘Luke 15:24
For this son of mine was dead and is alive again! He was lost and is found!’ So they began to celebrate.’

On my walk to the coffee shop today I was in deep contemplation and conversation with God. I asked Him to speak to me. And he showed me the trees.

I looked at the trees and I was struck by how bare they were. And how different they looked without their leaves. One, a beautiful little Acer who is a friend was unrecognisable. Never would I have known this Princess of Red in all her splendour. For she looked dead. A bunch of brown sticks. Naked.

And it was like God said, ‘That’s you, and that’s the world. You do not yet know how beautiful you will be.’ So I said to Him, ‘You mean we are really dead here?’ And I got a yes.

So I thought more and said, ‘So I suppose, if we (measure my life growth in the Eternal Father) measure how alive I am (based on how well I know and love God) I am about a week into conception? Rather a depressing thought. So I said, what if we haven’t met you or forgiven yet? And we die death?

And I got Paul’s words, ‘Whilst you were dead in your sin Christ died for you.” And ‘You were loved first, …….so that you could love.

And I thought but surely some people love first. I thought maybe some have the capacity to love easier at least. And I thought and thought. And I asked God about creation and why everything needed saving. I thought of Eastern Orthodox teaching on it, that when we die, sin dies, (which is what St.Paul says too) And I saw that C.S.Lewis was wrong. And it hit me. Everything here, in this cosmos is dead. There is no other alien life form that got it right. That anything created by God, without exception must fall.

Why? Because God alone is Life. And when he created he does so in ‘shadow.’ Because he has given it life. But because that life is free, it must first realise that it not only comes from him, but it must turn to him to be ‘enlived’ so to speak.

It must re-turn to the source of its life, so that it can come alive. One could say we are 2d. Living in the ‘winter of life.’ Or to put it another way, we are animated, but not yet Alive. That aliveness can only happen 100% happen after we are dead. We have form, we have personality, we breathe. Yet, we must experience the Divine to truly come alive.

So the cosmos, as it is, is dead. There is no Prelandra. No planet that got it right, as C.S,Lewis thought, (read the Prelandra trilogy) And all of it must have the Divine, and return, to become alive.

So I talked to God about us and outer systems of ‘life.’ Only to see they are all dead. We begin an idea. A successful system, that dies, because it becomes a system of itself and no longer lives to serve, but pushes to exist in its own right. We only have to look at any system to see this. Government, medical, business, anything. And I said to God, ‘You mean it’s all dead?’ And I knew it was. I said, ‘You mean you must be in it for it to live?’ And I knew that was so. But I panicked and said, ‘But you change everything, all the time so quickly, (how could I keep up?)’

And I saw Paul Youngs comment, ‘A healthy family goes at the speed of the slowest.’ I thought, and I realised God goes at my speed. He goes at your speed. Somehow God does every single persons individual speed, and He can because He is God. It’s only us who chivvy, say that’s impossible and generally go so fast that most of us are broken and exausted before we even begin.

Society is dying because of the speed of those whose greed is killing the people who create the wealth for them. Lack of love is murdering us and the planet.

To live, we must return to the source of Life, which is love. For we cannot truly live without it.

So what do I do? What do we do? We learn to trust and we learn to float. To walk on water. Gods ways are not our ways. They look foolish. But nevertheless if we want to change the world we must learn to look for love in it. And align ourselves with that love. Trusting it. Following it. Clinging to it as if our life depended on it. Because it does. We must be very precise about what love we are talking about. For this worlds version is fake. And leads to death.

The love we are seeking is co-suffering. A love that see’s other as more important than itself. A love that seeks humanity in those others despise; The weak. The lost, the criminal, the lonely, the elderly, the disabled. A love that will forgive and learn to live with its enemies. That will refuse to hold onto grudges, retaliation, revenge. And will learn humility, forgiveness, reconciliation, restoration and relationship. Putting the person before the principal.

Our world systems do the opposite. The principle comes first. At the expense of the person. All government policies are built this way. That is why law kills. That is how we know they are not Godly. But deadly.

We are dead. Yet, we are becoming.

We could say that the human being becomes because of its capacity to think, but that capacity to think needs to be used to contemplate how to live love. Else there is a danger of us becoming the beasts we were. We see this clearly in war crimes. (Those who commit evil have forgotten who they are in those moments. And become again the animals without reason) And that is how government systems treat people. With inhumanity not humanity.

So we must bring back the sacred, bring back the divine, bring back the spiritual. This does not mean we need to follow a religion. It means we need to follow love. And practise it.

The ball is in our court. Whose image will we become? Ours which is dead. Or divine which is Life. We can begin to grow now. So that when we finally walk through the curtain of death we are ready for what is beyond.

Or we can fight to do it our way. We can even try to defeat death. Scripture already envisaged this. Revelation 9v6 ‘And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.’

If we try to stay alive here, we will find the pain of that is unbearable. For we were not made for this death, but to Live Love. Which means, for now at least, dying to those things in us that are not life. Like hate, lust, gossip, wrong power, wrong ambition, to put it all in one word; selfishness. Living for the self and not for others. And sooner or later, if we stay like this, even if we’re were to live 1000 years we would beg to die, to be free of the agony of this kind of life. For we were not created to stay animated, but to die so that we could be made alive by it. (Romans 8v22-24)

All things this side of the veil of death will die. But love will not.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 1 Corinthians 13v8

Looking deeper

This is not an easy post to write. And it is going to pain some, anger others and possibly bring argument. Nevertheless this demands to be written. It is to explain both to Jewish and goyim (Gentile) what their own holy books have to say about end times.

This is not to claim I have all the answers. I don’t. And to be honest, I have heard Rabbi’s who do not, Preachers who do not, Priests who do not. All experts (apparently) in their field preaching, not Holy texts, but as hate filled texts. Which is an insult and a blasphemy to the Holy Scriptures we have, Torah, Bible and Quran.

The Quran is the one I know least about, so am hesitant to even name it. However it is a fruit of Papa Abraham and I do know a few Muslins (one who has written a copy of the Quran.) And I can see how it too can be misinterpreted. (Indeed my Imman friend often teaches so) and out of honour for my Muslim brothers and sisters I refuse to leave it out. And the Muslims I know are peaceful, beautiful and wise people, who deserve the honour of their title. So it is included.

I am part of a Jewish activist group. And was asked, by them, due to my unusual background with the church, why I was so angry with evangelical Christian’s.

This was my answer to them; ‘This is very painful and I do not really want to say it. But many Evangelicals think that if you get Israel back, Jesus will come again. Then you will go to hell, along with millions who do not believe, but that will be okay for them because they will be with Jesus rejoicing, over it all.’ It’s the most antisemitic thing a person could do. And it is these people who are paying millions into the American political system. And (according to one source) paying 10 times more than AIPAC (a Jewish group) into the Israeli war machine.

What I forgot to add was not all Christian’s are like that. But I did make it clear that the misreading and mistranslating of pretexts both by Jewish and Christian thinkers for their own ends was rife.

There is an interesting story I heard by a Theologian when I watched ‘Theologians under Hitler.’

She tells that she wanted her students to understand the line of complicity that lead to the murder of Ann Frank. So she gave them all cards, with words on, some had ‘Hitler,’ some ‘Himmler,’ some ‘Prisoner who stole bread from Ann’s hand as she lay weak,’ ‘Dutch family who handed them in’ ‘preacher from pulpit,’ and ‘Guard in camp.’ And asked them to line up with who was most responsible for her death first. She fully expected the woman with the Hitler card to go to the front and stay there. Horrifyingly that is not what happened. Instead the woman with the ‘Preacher in pulpit,’ went to the front of the line and refused to move. ‘NO! She said emphatically, the person from the pulpit who preached hate did more damage.

That is sobering. Why? Because we trust holy learned people to teach us the will of God Himself. And if they use it to preach hatred then hell on earth is the outcome.

Christians, Muslims and Rabbis have all been guilty of preaching hate from their pulpits. And the sheep listening have believed that.

Christians told that ‘Jesus will come now!’ If money is sent to the Israeli war machine are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians, as are the Rabbi who say it is Gods will. Every single Muslim voice without fail that I know in this particular conflict has been for peace and mercy.

That does not tell us that the religion is wrong. Religion are beliefs based on written books about divine things, and open to interpretation. Therefore it is how the person interprets that shows who they truly are and what heart belief they really follow. For if scripture commands us to love, be kind, show mercy, then to preach not to do those things by justifying other behaviours that hurt goes against the religion!

It is the heart of a person therefore that shows who they really are, no matter what religion they profess, For Jesus is clear, ‘If a man commits murder from his heart, it is as if he has done it in person. The same goes for lust.

Religion tells us in its scripture to love. To be kind. To show mercy. To look after the sick. So why do teachers in the law and pulpit teach us that is not truth? And lead instead by hate, mistrust and lies? Wanting the power of man, rather than the power of God. There is no excuse. It is clear in the Torah, the Quran and the Christian New testament to love, even our enemies on the Torah and New Testament, to show mercy in all three, to be keepers of the peace in all three, to feed the poor in all three. Yet Western values blame the poor for being poor and take from him even the little he had. The judgment of David over Bathsheba is over the Western world for this, and the Eastern. Looking at material and literal things, rather than focusing deeper on spiritual things.

Why is the need for scapegoating? That must stop full stop. For those who use it grow rich on the profits of it at the expense of other human beings less powerful than themselves.

Why the need for one religion to be on top? Can we not all learn to see God in each other? As we are told it is God Himself who made us all and will judge us all. Yet we prefer to think we can be judge. And my goodness, look what we have done with that! We have failed those who think religion a failure because we have shown them it being so by example of living lovelessly.

We none know when the end times will be. Our world will indeed end. Currently it is being ended by the lack of love of all of us and our destructive behaviours on our very planet and its creatures. But one thing is for sure. The more we love the more chance of the return of. Christ. For that was His core teaching and His command we follow! And the Torah leaves no room for excuse because it is plain about loving and giving succour to the foreigner. It commands we treat them as we treat ourselves.

We have a question to ask. Will we keep the idolatry we have made of our beautiful, profound and sacred scriptures? With its ‘chosen’ identity that abuses others through the title? Looks down on them and mistreats them. Or. Will we pick up the cross – the idea that we are all broken, and that with humility we learn to love those whose brokenesss makes them so different from us. Indeed ones who, we would not see as chosen at all, but chose to learn to include them anyway, just because obedience to Love Himself would ask that of us? This is the question of our generation and of our religion.

And because we have failed in our love we have failed others in their vision of what religion is and how it has the power, through love, to bring the Peace on earth that was announced two thousand years ago by the angels at the birth of Yeshua.

‘I am the Light of the world. Whoever walks in the Light will not walk in darkness.‘ The world is in darkness because we walk in it and teach it from our pulpits. Christian, Muslim and Jewish. Will we be brave enough to change? Will the religions of the world stand up and being to show humanity what it truly is to be a human being, or will we show them we are no better than animals who kill for prey?

God is Love. Are we?